Show someone just how much you love and cherish them with this gorgeous bouquet of orange or red roses, cushion,carnations, Lily or gerbera daisies flowers and lush greens. This gorgeous bouquet expresses what you feel in your heart when words alone just aren’t enough. Whether you want to express a romantic love, a love for a friend, or familial love – the unique Mixed Flowers Carnation, Lily/gerbera daisy & Rose Bouquet is the perfect way to show your love
Please Note: The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the flower pattern, we may replace with other colors stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible.
- Carnations
- Lily/ daisies
- Roses
- Vase is not included
- Arrangement vary as displayed in picture as vase is not included.
For Cakes & Flowers , we stand behind our guarantee for delivery on the day you want. For all other gifts, accurate delivery time will be calculated at checkout.
Delivery is Free for Order value of $250+, For orders less than that , accurate delivery charges will be calculated at checkout depending on location & product you are purchasing.
Delivery is Free for Order value of $250+, For orders less than that , accurate delivery charges will be calculated at checkout depending on location & product you are purchasing.
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Mixed Flowers Carnation, Lily & Rose Bouquet
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